
Yesterday was 11/11!

SO, one thing that I learned this week was how to make it look like someone is having thought clouds in a video :) Sarah witnessed it. It's rough, but I'm going to make it work out some day. One thing I want to learn is how to make text look cooler in FCP. I haven't really messed around with it enough yet. There was no school for Veterans day, so for community service, I served veterans breakfast. There was one guy named Stanley Maziarz who was 89 I believe (and still in awesome shape), who pulled out pictures from the 40s of himself and the war, and kept talking about specific stories from when he was in Normandie on D-Day and the Battle of the Bulge and how his whole team died except him and his friend. Not to mention, he was a TOTAL babe when he was a young lad. I took a picture on my phone of his picture of himself. I'll post it sometime after I get picture messaging (which should be next week-ish). One thing that frustrated me about this week was that Sarah keeps calling me Jenni, because she doesn't know the difference between us. I don't want to be known as Jenni, because we all know what Mama Licata thinks of her after today.

1 comment:

  1. I like that you included me in this even though I dont like the second half. And I love the part of "I don't want to be known as Jenni, because we all know what Mama Licata thinks of her after today" EPIC
